Setting Up a Cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS) with Terraform 🚀
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Welcome to the guide for setting up your own Bacalhau cluster across multiple AWS regions! This guide will walk you through creating a robust, distributed compute cluster that's perfect for running your Bacalhau workloads.
Think of this as building your own distributed supercomputer! Your cluster will provision compute nodes spread across different AWS regions for global coverage.
You'll need a few things ready:
Terraform (version 1.0.0 or newer)
AWS CLI installed and configured
An active AWS account with appropriate permissions
Your AWS credentials configured
An SSH key pair for securely accessing your nodes
A Bacalhau network
First, set up an orchestrator node. We recommend using Expanso Cloud for this! But you can always set up your own - follow the instructions here.
Create your environment configuration file:
Fill in your AWS details in env.tfvars.json
Configure your desired regions in locations.yaml
. Here's an example (we have a full list of these in all_locations.yaml):
Make sure the AMI exists in the region you need it to! You can confirm this by executing the following command:
Update your Bacalhau config/config.yaml (the defaults are mostly fine, just update the Orchestrator, and Token lines):
Deploy your cluster using the Python deployment script:
Terraform on AWS requires switching to different workspaces when deploying to different availability zones. As a result, we had to setup a separate
script which switches to each workspace for you under the hood, to make it easier.
: Your main configuration file containing AWS-specific settings`
: Defines which regions to deploy to and instance configurations
: Bacalhau node configuration
: Name for your cluster resources
: Tag for resource management
: Unique identifier for your cluster
: SSH username for instances
: Path to your SSH public key
: Path to your SSH private key
: Path to the config file for this compute node (should point at the orchestrator and have the right token)
Each region entry requires:
: AWS region (e.g., us-west-2)
: Availability zone (e.g., us-west-2a)
: EC2 instance type (e.g., t3.medium)
: AMI ID for the region
: Number of instances to deploy
Once everything's up and running, let's make sure it works!
First, make sure you have the Bacalhau CLI installed. You can read more about installing the CLI here.
Configure your Bacalhau client:
List your compute nodes:
Run a test job:
Check job status:
Verify AWS credentials are properly configured:
Check IAM permissions
Ensure you have quota available in target regions
SSH into a node:
Check Bacalhau service logs:
Check Docker container status:
Verify security group rules (ports 22, 80, and 4222 should be open)
Check VPC and subnet configurations
Ensure internet gateway is properly attached
If nodes aren't joining the network:
Check NATS connection string in config.yaml
Verify security group allows port 4222
Ensure nodes can reach the orchestrator
If jobs aren't running:
Check compute is enabled in node config
Verify Docker is running properly
Check available disk space
If deployment fails:
Look for errors in Terraform output
Check AWS service quotas
Verify AMI availability in chosen regions
Remove all resources:
Check node health:
If you get stuck or have questions:
Check out the official Bacalhau Documentation
Open an issue in our GitHub repository
Join our Slack
We're here to help you get your cluster running smoothly! 🌟
We recommend using Expanso Cloud to create your network! But if you'd like to set up a cluster on your own, you can use our tool Andaime to do this too.
If you have any questions about the platform - please contact us on Slack or Email us!