WebAssembly (Wasm) Workloads

Bacalhau supports running programs that are compiled to WebAssembly (Wasm). With the Bacalhau client, you can upload Wasm programs, retrieve data from public storage, read and write data, receive program arguments, and access environment variables.

Prerequisites and Limitations

  1. Supported WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) Bacalhau can run compiled Wasm programs that expect the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) Snapshot. WebAssembly programs can access data, environment variables, and program arguments through this interface.

  2. Networking Restrictions All ingress/egress networking is disabled; you won't be able to pull data/code/weights etc. from an external source. Wasm jobs say what data they need using URLs or CIDs (Content IDentifier) and then access the data by reading from the filesystem.

  3. Single-Threading There is no multi-threading as WASI does not expose any interface.

Onboarding Your Workload

Step 1: Replace network operations with filesystem reads and writes

If your program typically involves reading from and writing to network endpoints, follow these steps to adapt it for Bacalhau:

  1. Replace Network Operations: Instead of making HTTP requests to external servers (e.g., example.com), modify your program to read data from the local filesystem.

  2. Input Data Handling: Specify the input data location in Bacalhau using the --input flag when running the job. For instance, if your program used to fetch data from example.com, read from the /inputs folder locally, and provide the URL as input when executing the Bacalhau job. For example, --input http://example.com.

  3. Output Handling: Adjust your program to output results to standard output (stdout) or standard error (stderr) pipes. Alternatively, you can write results to the filesystem, typically into an output mount. In the case of Wasm jobs, a default folder at /outputs is available, ensuring that data written there will persist after the job concludes.

By making these adjustments, you can effectively transition your program to operate within the Bacalhau environment, utilizing filesystem operations instead of traditional network interactions.

You can specify additional or different output mounts using the -o flag.

Step 2: Configure your compiler to output WASI-compliant WebAssembly

You will need to compile your program to WebAssembly that expects WASI. Check the instructions for your compiler to see how to do this.

For example, Rust users can specify the wasm32-wasi target rustup and cargo to get programs compiled for WASI WebAssembly. See the Rust example for more information on this.

Step 3: Upload the input data

Data is identified by its content identifier (CID) and can be accessed by anyone who knows the CID. You can use either of these methods to upload your data:

You can mount your data anywhere on your machine, and Bacalhau will be able to run against that data

Step 4: Run your program

You can run a WebAssembly program on Bacalhau using the bacalhau wasm run command.

bacalhau wasm run

Run Locally Compiled Program:

If your program is locally compiled, specify it as an argument. For instance, running the following command will upload and execute the main.wasm program:

bacalhau wasm run main.wasm

The program you specify will be uploaded to a Bacalhau storage node and will be publicly available.

Alternative Program Specification:

You can use a Content IDentifier (CID) for a specific WebAssembly program.

bacalhau wasm run Qmajb9T3jBdMSp7xh2JruNrqg3hniCnM6EUVsBocARPJRQ

Input Data Specification:

Make sure to specify any input data using --input flag.

bacalhau wasm run --input http://example.com

This ensures the necessary data is available for the program's execution.

Program arguments

You can give the Wasm program arguments by specifying them after the program path or CID. If the Wasm program is already compiled and located in the current directory, you can run it by adding arguments after the file name:

bacalhau wasm run echo.wasm hello world

For a specific WebAssembly program, run:

bacalhau wasm run Qmajb9T3jBdMSp7xh2JruNrqg3hniCnM6EUVsBocARPJRQ hello world

Write your program to use program arguments to specify input and output paths. This makes your program more flexible in handling different configurations of input and output volumes.

For example, instead of hard-coding your program to read from /inputs/data.txt, accept a program argument that should contain the path and then specify the path as an argument to bacalhau wasm run:

bacalhau wasm run prog.wasm /inputs/data.txt

Your language of choice should contain a standard way of reading program arguments that will work with WASI.

Environment variables

You can also specify environment variables using the -e flag.

$ bacalhau wasm run prog.wasm -e HELLO=world


See the Rust example for a workload that leverages WebAssembly support.


If you have questions or need support or guidance, please reach out to the Bacalhau team via Slack (#general channel).

Last updated