Docker Engine is one of the execution engines supported in Bacalhau. It allows users to run tasks inside Docker containers, offering an isolated and consistent environment for execution. Below are the parameters to configure the Docker Engine.
Engine ParametersImage (string: <required>)
: Specifies the Docker image to use for task execution. It should be an image that can be pulled by Docker.
Entrypoint (string[]: <optional>)
: Allows overriding the default entrypoint set in the Docker image. Each string in the array represents a segment of the entrypoint command.
Parameters (string[]: <optional>)
: Additional command-line arguments to be included in the container’s startup command, appended after the entrypoint.
EnvironmentVariables (string[]: <optional>)
: Sets environment variables within the Docker container during task execution. Each string should be formatted as KEY=value
WorkingDirectory (string: <optional>)
: Sets the path inside the container where the task executes. If not specified, it defaults to the working directory defined in the Docker image.
Here’s an example of configuring the Docker Engine within a job or task using YAML:
In this example, the task will be executed inside an Ubuntu 20.04 Docker container. The entrypoint is overridden to execute a bash shell that runs an echo command. An environment variable MY_ENV_VAR is set with the value myvalue, and the working directory inside the container is set to /app.
The WASM Engine in Bacalhau allows tasks to be executed in a WebAssembly environment, offering compatibility and speed. This engine supports WASM and WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) jobs, making it highly adaptable for various use cases. Below are the parameters for configuring the WASM Engine.
Engine ParametersEntryModule (
: required)
: Specifies the WASM module that contains the start function or the main execution code of the task. The InputSource should point to the location of the WASM binary.
Entrypoint (string: <optional>)
: The name of the function within the EntryModule to execute. For WASI jobs, this should typically be _start
. The entrypoint function should have zero parameters and zero results.
Parameters (string[]: <optional>)
: An array of strings containing arguments that will be supplied to the program as ARGV. This allows parameterized execution of the WASM task.
EnvironmentVariables (map[string]string: <optional>)
: A mapping of environment variable keys to their values, made available within the executing WASM environment.
ImportModules (
[] : optional)
: An array of InputSources pointing to additional WASM modules. The exports from these modules will be available as imports to the EntryModule, enabling modular and reusable WASM code.
Here’s a sample configuration of the WASM Engine within a task, expressed in YAML:
In this example, the task is configured to run in a WASM environment. The EntryModule is fetched from an S3 bucket, the entrypoint is _start
, and parameters and environment variables are passed into the WASM environment. Additionally, an ImportModule is loaded from a local directory, making its exports available to the EntryModule.