In this tutorial example, we will showcase how to containerize an OpenMM workload so that it can be executed on the Bacalhau network and take advantage of the distributed storage & compute resources. OpenMM is a toolkit for molecular simulation. It is a physic-based library that is useful for refining the structure and exploring functional interactions with other molecules. It provides a combination of extreme flexibility (through custom forces and integrators), openness, and high performance (especially on recent GPUs) that make it truly unique among simulation codes.
In this example tutorial, our focus will be on running OpenMM molecular simulation with Bacalhau.
We use a processed 2DRI dataset that represents the ribose binding protein in bacterial transport and chemotaxis. The source organism is the Escherichia coli bacteria.
Protein data can be stored in a .pdb file, this is a human-readable format. It provides for the description and annotation of protein and nucleic acid structures including atomic coordinates, secondary structure assignments, as well as atomic connectivity. See more information about PDB format here. For the original, unprocessed 2DRI dataset, you can download it from the RCSB Protein Data Bank here.
The relevant code of the processed 2DRI dataset can be found here. Let's print the first 10 lines of the 2dri-processed.pdb file. The output contains a number of ATOM records. These describe the coordinates of the atoms that are part of the protein.
The simplest way to upload the data to IPFS is to use a third-party service to "pin" data to the IPFS network, to ensure that the data exists and is available. To do this, you need an account with a pinning service like Pinata or Once registered, you can use their UI or API or SDKs to upload files.
When you pin your data, you'll get a CID. Copy the CID as it will be used to access your data
Job status: You can check the status of the job using bacalhau list.
When it says Published or Completed, that means the job is done, and we can get the results.
Job information: You can find out more information about your job by using bacalhau describe.
bacalhaudescribe ${JOB_ID}
Job download: You can download your job results directly by using bacalhau get. Alternatively, you can choose to create a directory to store your results. In the command below, we created a directory (results) and downloaded our job output to be stored in that directory.
rm-rfresults&&mkdir-presultsbacalhauget ${JOB_ID} --output-dirresults# Download the results