CLI Commands
The following commands refer to bacalhau cli version v1.0.3
. For installing or upgrading a client, follow the instructions in the installation page. Run bacalhau version
in a terminal to check what version you have.
❯ bacalhau --help
Compute over data
bacalhau [command]
Available Commands:
cancel Cancel a previously submitted job
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
create Create a job using a json or yaml file.
describe Describe a job on the network
devstack Start a cluster of bacalhau nodes for testing and development
docker Run a docker job on the network (see run subcommand)
get Get the results of a job
help Help about any command
id Show bacalhau node id info
list List jobs on the network
logs Follow logs from a currently executing job
run Run a job on the network (see subcommands for supported flavors)
serve Start the bacalhau compute node
validate validate a job using a json or yaml file.
version Get the client and server version.
--api-host string The host for the client and server to communicate on (via REST). Ignored if BACALHAU_API_HOST environment variable is set. (default "")
--api-port int The port for the client and server to communicate on (via REST). Ignored if BACALHAU_API_PORT environment variable is set. (default 1234)
-h, --help help for bacalhau
Use "bacalhau [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Cancels a job that was previously submitted and stops it running if it has not yet completed.
Cancel a previously submitted job.
./bin/darwin_arm64/bacalhau cancel [id] [flags]
-h, --help help for cancel
--quiet Do not print anything to stdout or stderr
# Cancel a previously submitted job
bacalhau cancel 51225160-807e-48b8-88c9-28311c7899e1
# Cancel a job, with a short ID.
bacalhau cancel ebd9bf2f
Submit a job to the network in a declarative way by writing a jobspec instead of writing a command. JSON and YAML formats are accepted.
Create a job from a file or from stdin.
JSON and YAML formats are accepted.
bacalhau create [flags]
--download Download the results and print stdout once the job has completed (implies --wait).
--download-timeout-secs int Timeout duration for IPFS downloads. (default 10)
-g, --gettimeout int Timeout for getting the results of a job in --wait (default 10)
-h, --help help for create
--ipfs-swarm-addrs string Comma-separated list of IPFS nodes to connect to.
--local Run the job locally. Docker is required
--output-dir string Directory to write the output to. (default ".")
--wait Wait for the job to finish. Use --wait=false to not wait.
--wait-timeout-secs int When using --wait, how many seconds to wait for the job to complete before giving up. (default 600)
# Create a job using the data in job.yaml
bacalhau create ./job.yaml
# Create a new job from an already executed job
bacalhau describe 6e51df50 | bacalhau create -
An example job in YAML format:
engine: Docker
verifier: Noop
publisher: IPFS
image: ubuntu
- echo
- Hello
- World
- name: outputs
path: /outputs
concurrency: 1
UCAN Invocation format
You can also specify a job to run using a UCAN Invocation object in JSON format. For the fields supported by Bacalhau, see the IPLD schema.
There is no support for sharding, concurrency or minimum bidding for these jobs.
Refers to example models at bacalhau repository under pkg/model/tasks
An example UCAN Invocation that runs the same job as the above example would look like:
"with": "ubuntu",
"do": "docker/run",
"inputs": {
"entrypoint": ["echo"],
"parameters": ["hello", "world"],
"workdir": "/",
"mounts": {},
"outputs": {
"/outputs": ""
"meta": {
"bacalhau/config": {
"verifier": 1,
"publisher": 4,
"annotations": ["hello"],
"resources": {
"cpu": 1,
"disk": 1073741824,
"memory": 1073741824,
"gpu": 0
"timeout": 300e9,
"dnt": false
An example UCAN Invocation that runs a WebAssembly job might look like:
"with": "ipfs://bafybeig7mdkzcgpacpozamv7yhhaelztfrnb6ozsupqqh7e5uyqdkijegi",
"do": "wasm32-wasi/run",
"inputs": {
"entrypoint": "_start",
"parameters": ["/inputs/data.tar.gz"],
"mounts": {
"/inputs": ""
"outputs": {
"/outputs": ""
"env": {
"HELLO": "world"
"meta": {
Full description of a job, in yaml format. Use 'bacalhau list' to get a list of all ids. Short form and long form of the job id are accepted.
bacalhau describe [id] [flags]
-h, --help help for describe
--include-events Include events in the description (could be noisy)
--spec Output Jobspec to stdout
# Describe a job with the full ID
bacalhau describe e3f8c209-d683-4a41-b840-f09b88d087b9
# Describe a job with the a shortened ID
bacalhau describe 47805f5c
# Describe a job and include all server and local events
bacalhau describe --include-events b6ad164a
Docker run
Runs a job using the Docker executor on the node.
bacalhau docker run [flags] IMAGE[:TAG|@DIGEST] [COMMAND] [ARG...]
# Run a Docker job, using the image 'dpokidov/imagemagick', with a CID mounted at /input_images and an output volume mounted at /outputs in the container. All flags after the '--' are passed directly into the container for execution.
bacalhau docker run \
-i src=ipfs://QmeZRGhe4PmjctYVSVHuEiA9oSXnqmYa4kQubSHgWbjv72,dst=/input_images \
dpokidov/imagemagick:7.1.0-47-ubuntu \
-- magick mogrify -resize 100x100 -quality 100 -path /outputs '/input_images/*.jpg'
# Dry Run: check the job specification before submitting it to the bacalhau network
bacalhau docker run --dry-run ubuntu echo hello
# Save the job specification to a YAML file
bacalhau docker run --dry-run ubuntu echo hello > job.yaml
# Specify an image tag (default is 'latest' - using a specific tag other than 'latest' is recommended for reproducibility)
bacalhau docker run ubuntu:bionic echo hello
# Specify an image digest
bacalhau docker run ubuntu@sha256:35b4f89ec2ee42e7e12db3d107fe6a487137650a2af379bbd49165a1494246ea echo hello
-c, --concurrency int How many nodes should run the job (default 1)
--confidence int The minimum number of nodes that must agree on a verification result
--cpu string Job CPU cores (e.g. 500m, 2, 8).
--domain stringArray Domain(s) that the job needs to access (for HTTP networking)
--download Should we download the results once the job is complete?
--download-timeout-secs duration Timeout duration for IPFS downloads. (default 5m0s)
--dry-run Do not submit the job, but instead print out what will be submitted
--engine string What executor engine to use to run the job (default "docker")
-e, --env strings The environment variables to supply to the job (e.g. --env FOO=bar --env BAR=baz)
--filplus Mark the job as a candidate for moderation for FIL+ rewards.
-f, --follow When specified will follow the output from the job as it runs
-g, --gettimeout int Timeout for getting the results of a job in --wait (default 10)
--gpu string Job GPU requirement (e.g. 1, 2, 8).
-h, --help help for run
--id-only Print out only the Job ID on successful submission.
-i, --input storage Mount URIs as inputs to the job. Can be specified multiple times. Format: src=URI,dst=PATH[,opt=key=value]
# Mount IPFS CID to /inputs directory
-i ipfs://QmeZRGhe4PmjctYVSVHuEiA9oSXnqmYa4kQubSHgWbjv72
# Mount S3 object to a specific path
-i s3://bucket/key,dst=/my/input/path
# Mount S3 object with specific endpoint and region
-i src=s3://bucket/key,dst=/my/input/path,opt=endpoint=,opt=region=us-east-1
--ipfs-swarm-addrs string Comma-separated list of IPFS nodes to connect to. (default "/ip4/,/ip4/,/ip4/")
-l, --labels strings List of labels for the job. Enter multiple in the format '-l a -l 2'. All characters not matching /a-zA-Z0-9_:|-/ and all emojis will be stripped.
--local Run the job locally. Docker is required
--memory string Job Memory requirement (e.g. 500Mb, 2Gb, 8Gb).
--min-bids int Minimum number of bids that must be received before concurrency-many bids will be accepted (at random)
--network network-type Networking capability required by the job (default "nats")
--node-details Print out details of all nodes (overridden by --id-only).
--output-dir string Directory to write the output to.
-o, --output-volumes strings name:path of the output data volumes. 'outputs:/outputs' is always added.
-p, --publisher publisher Where to publish the result of the job (default IPFS)
--raw Download raw result CIDs instead of merging multiple CIDs into a single result
-s, --selector string Selector (label query) to filter nodes on which this job can be executed, supports '=', '==', and '!='.(e.g. -s key1=value1,key2=value2). Matching objects must satisfy all of the specified label constraints.
--skip-syntax-checking Skip having 'shellchecker' verify syntax of the command
--timeout float Job execution timeout in seconds (e.g. 300 for 5 minutes and 0.1 for 100ms) (default 1800)
--verifier string What verification engine to use to run the job (default "noop")
--wait Wait for the job to finish. (default true)
--wait-timeout-secs int When using --wait, how many seconds to wait for the job to complete before giving up. (default 600)
-w, --workdir string Working directory inside the container. Overrides the working directory shipped with the image (e.g. via WORKDIR in Dockerfile).
Get the results of the job, including `stdout` and `stderr`.
bacalhau get [id] [flags]
--download-timeout-secs int Timeout duration for IPFS downloads. (default 600)
-h, --help help for get
--ipfs-swarm-addrs string Comma-separated list of IPFS nodes to connect to.
--output-dir string Directory to write the output to. (default ".")
# Get the results of a job.
bacalhau get 51225160-807e-48b8-88c9-28311c7899e1
# Get the results of a job, with a short ID.
bacalhau get ebd9bf2f
List jobs on the network.
bacalhau list [flags]
--all Fetch all jobs from the network (default is to filter those belonging to the user). This option may take a long time to return, please use with caution.
-h, --help help for list
--hide-header do not print the column headers.
--id-filter string filter by Job List to IDs matching substring.
--no-style remove all styling from table output.
-n, --number int print the first NUM jobs instead of the first 10. (default 10)
--output string The output format for the list of jobs (json or text) (default "text")
--reverse reverse order of table - for time sorting, this will be newest first. Use '--reverse=false' to sort oldest first (single quotes are required). (default true)
--sort-by Column sort by field, defaults to creation time, with newest first [Allowed "id", "created_at"]. (default created_at)
--wide Print full values in the table results
# List jobs on the network
bacalhau list
# List jobs and output as json
bacalhau list --output json
Retrieves the log output (stdout, and stderr) from a job. If the job is still running it is possible to follow the logs after the previously generated logs are retrieved.
Follow logs from a currently executing job
./bin/darwin_arm64/bacalhau logs [flags] [id]
-f, --follow Follow the logs in real-time after retrieving the current logs.
-h, --help help for logs
# Follow logs for a previously submitted job
bacalhau logs -f 51225160-807e-48b8-88c9-28311c7899e1
# Retrieve the log output with a short ID, but don't follow any newly generated logs
bacalhau logs ebd9bf2f
Run Python
Runs a job by compiling language file to WASM on the node.
bacalhau run python [flags]
# Run a simple "Hello, World" script within the current directory
bacalhau run python --
-c, --command string Program passed in as string (like python)
--concurrency int How many nodes should run the job (default 1)
--confidence int The minimum number of nodes that must agree on a verification result
--context-path string Path to context (e.g. python code) to send to server (via public IPFS network) for execution (max 10MiB). Set to empty string to disable (default ".")
--deterministic Enforce determinism: run job in a single-threaded wasm runtime with no sources of entropy. NB: this will make the python runtime execute in an environment where only some libraries are supported, see (default true)
--download Should we download the results once the job is complete?
--download-timeout-secs duration Timeout duration for IPFS downloads. (default 5m0s)
-e, --env strings The environment variables to supply to the job (e.g. --env FOO=bar --env BAR=baz)
-f, --follow When specified will follow the output from the job as it runs
-g, --gettimeout int Timeout for getting the results of a job in --wait (default 10)
-h, --help help for python
--id-only Print out only the Job ID on successful submission.
-i, --input storage Mount URIs as inputs to the job. Can be specified multiple times. Format: src=URI,dst=PATH[,opt=key=value]
# Mount IPFS CID to /inputs directory
-i ipfs://QmeZRGhe4PmjctYVSVHuEiA9oSXnqmYa4kQubSHgWbjv72
# Mount S3 object to a specific path
-i s3://bucket/key,dst=/my/input/path
# Mount S3 object with specific endpoint and region
-i src=s3://bucket/key,dst=/my/input/path,opt=endpoint=,opt=region=us-east-1
--ipfs-swarm-addrs string Comma-separated list of IPFS nodes to connect to. (default "/ip4/,/ip4/,/ip4/")
-l, --labels strings List of labels for the job. Enter multiple in the format '-l a -l 2'. All characters not matching /a-zA-Z0-9_:|-/ and all emojis will be stripped.
--local Run the job locally. Docker is required
--min-bids int Minimum number of bids that must be received before concurrency-many bids will be accepted (at random)
--node-details Print out details of all nodes (overridden by --id-only).
--output-dir string Directory to write the output to.
-o, --output-volumes strings name:path of the output data volumes
--raw Download raw result CIDs instead of merging multiple CIDs into a single result
-r, --requirement string Install from the given requirements file. (like pip)
--timeout float Job execution timeout in seconds (e.g. 300 for 5 minutes and 0.1 for 100ms) (default 1800)
--wait Wait for the job to finish. (default true)
--wait-timeout-secs int When using --wait, how many seconds to wait for the job to complete before giving up. (default 600)
Start a bacalhau node.
bacalhau serve [flags]
# Start a private bacalhau requester node
bacalhau serve
# or
bacalhau serve --node-type requester
# Start a private bacalhau hybrid node that acts as both compute and requester
bacalhau serve --node-type compute --node-type requester
# or
bacalhau serve --node-type compute,requester
# Start a private bacalhau node with a persistent local IPFS node
BACALHAU_SERVE_IPFS_PATH=/data/ipfs bacalhau serve
# Start a public bacalhau requester node
bacalhau serve --peer env --private-internal-ipfs=false
--filecoin-unsealed-path string The go template that can turn a filecoin CID into a local filepath with the unsealed data.
-h, --help help for serve
--host string The host to listen on (for both api and swarm connections). (default "")
--ipfs-connect string The ipfs host multiaddress to connect to, otherwise an in-process IPFS node will be created if not set.
--ipfs-swarm-addr strings IPFS multiaddress to connect the in-process IPFS node to - cannot be used with --ipfs-connect.
--job-execution-timeout-bypass-client-id strings List of IDs of clients that are allowed to bypass the job execution timeout check
--job-selection-accept-networked Accept jobs that require network access.
--job-selection-data-locality string Only accept jobs that reference data we have locally ("local") or anywhere ("anywhere"). (default "local")
--job-selection-probe-exec string Use the result of a exec an external program to decide if we should take on the job.
--job-selection-probe-http string Use the result of a HTTP POST to decide if we should take on the job.
--job-selection-reject-stateless Reject jobs that don't specify any data.
--labels stringToString Labels to be associated with the node that can be used for node selection and filtering. (e.g. --labels key1=value1,key2=value2) (default [])
--limit-job-cpu string Job CPU core limit for single job (e.g. 500m, 2, 8).
--limit-job-gpu string Job GPU limit for single job (e.g. 1, 2, or 8).
--limit-job-memory string Job Memory limit for single job (e.g. 500Mb, 2Gb, 8Gb).
--limit-total-cpu string Total CPU core limit to run all jobs (e.g. 500m, 2, 8).
--limit-total-gpu string Total GPU limit to run all jobs (e.g. 1, 2, or 8).
--limit-total-memory string Total Memory limit to run all jobs (e.g. 500Mb, 2Gb, 8Gb).
--lotus-max-ping duration The highest ping a Filecoin miner could have when selecting. (default 2s)
--lotus-path-directory string Location of the Lotus Filecoin configuration directory.
--lotus-storage-duration duration Duration to store data in Lotus Filecoin for.
--lotus-upload-directory string Directory to use when uploading content to Lotus Filecoin.
--node-type strings Whether the node is a compute, requester or both. (default [requester])
--peer string A comma-separated list of libp2p multiaddress to connect to. Use "none" to avoid connecting to any peer, "env" to connect to the default peer list of your active environment (see BACALHAU_ENVIRONMENT env var). (default "none")
--private-internal-ipfs Whether the in-process IPFS node should auto-discover other nodes, including the public IPFS network - cannot be used with --ipfs-connect. Use "--private-internal-ipfs=false" to disable. To persist a local Ipfs node, set BACALHAU_SERVE_IPFS_PATH to a valid path. (default true)
--swarm-port int The port to listen on for swarm connections. (default 1235)
Global Flags:
--api-host string The host for the client and server to communicate on (via REST).
Ignored if BACALHAU_API_HOST environment variable is set. (default "")
--api-port uint16 The port for the client and server to communicate on (via REST).
Ignored if BACALHAU_API_PORT environment variable is set. (default 1234)
--log-mode logging-mode Log format: 'default','station','json','combined','event' (default default)
Last updated
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