Social Media
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Bacalhau has a presence on all major social media networks, so you can follow us on your favorite sites.
The Bacalhau YouTube channel is home to a wealth of information about the Bacalhau project — everything from developer demos, educational videos, events, etc. You can explore and learn more about Bacalhau.
Blog and Newsletter
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Also, our blog contains product updates, company news, and educational content on how you can leverage Bacalhau and the Compute over Data ecosystem Bacalhau Blog.
You can follow our twitter account @Project Bacalhau to get Bacalhau news, product updates, etc in tweet-sized bites.
Need Support?
If have questions or need support or guidance, please reach out to the Bacalhau team via Slack (#bacalhau channel)
If you have any hints, tips or suggestions to add, check out the different ways to contribute to Bacalhau.
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