Video Processing


Many data engineering workloads consist of embarrassingly parallel workloads where you want to run a simple execution on a large number of files. In this example tutorial, we will run a simple video filter on a large number of video files.


To get started, you need to install the Bacalhau client, see more information here

Upload the Data to IPFS​

The simplest way to upload the data to IPFS is to use a third-party service to "pin" data to the IPFS network, to ensure that the data exists and is available. To do this you need an account with a pinning service like or Pinata. Once registered you can use their UI or API or SDKs to upload files.

This resulted in the IPFS CID of Qmd9CBYpdgCLuCKRtKRRggu24H72ZUrGax5A9EYvrbC72j.

Running a Bacalhau Job​

To submit a workload to Bacalhau, we will use the bacalhau docker run command. The command allows one to pass input data volume with a -i ipfs://CID:path argument just like Docker, except the left-hand side of the argument is a content identifier (CID). This results in Bacalhau mounting a data volume inside the container. By default, Bacalhau mounts the input volume at the path /inputs inside the container.

export JOB_ID=$(bacalhau docker run \
    --wait \
    --wait-timeout-secs 100 \
    --id-only \
    -i ipfs://Qmd9CBYpdgCLuCKRtKRRggu24H72ZUrGax5A9EYvrbC72j:/inputs \
    linuxserver/ffmpeg \
    -- bash -c 'find /inputs -iname "*.mp4" -printf "%f\n" | xargs -I{} ffmpeg -y -i /inputs/{} -vf "scale=-1:72,setsar=1:1" /outputs/scaled_{}' )

Structure of the command​

Let's look closely at the command above:

  1. bacalhau docker run: call to Bacalhau

  2. -i ipfs://Qmd9CBYpdgCLuCKRtKRRggu24H72ZUrGax5A9EYvrbC72j: CIDs to use on the job. Mounts them at '/inputs' in the execution.

  3. linuxserver/ffmpeg: the name of the docker image we are using to resize the videos

  4. -- bash -c 'find /inputs -iname "*.mp4" -printf "%f\n" | xargs -I{} ffmpeg -y -i /inputs/{} -vf "scale=-1:72,setsar=1:1" /outputs/scaled_{}': the command that will be executed inside the container. It uses find to locate all files with the extension ".mp4" within /inputs and then uses ffmpeg to resize each found file to 72 pixels in height, saving the results in the /outputs folder.

When a job is submitted, Bacalhau prints out the related job_id. We store that in an environment variable so that we can reuse it later on.

Bacalhau overwrites the default entrypoint so we must run the full command after the -- argument. In this line you will list all of the mp4 files in the /inputs directory and execute ffmpeg against each instance.

Declarative job description​

The same job can be presented in the declarative format. In this case, the description will look like this:

name: Video Processing
type: batch
count: 1
  - name: My main task
      type: docker
        Image: linuxserver/ffmpeg
          - /bin/bash
          - -c
          - find /inputs -iname "*.mp4" -printf "%f\n" | xargs -I{} ffmpeg -y -i /inputs/{} -vf "scale=-1:72,setsar=1:1" /outputs/scaled_{}
      Type: ipfs
      - Name: outputs
        Path: /outputs
    - Target: "/inputs"
        Type: "s3"
          Bucket: "bacalhau-video-processing"
          Key: "*"
          Region: "us-east-1"

The job description should be saved in .yaml format, e.g. video.yaml, and then run with the command:

bacalhau job run video.yaml

Checking the State of your Jobs​

Job status: You can check the status of the job using bacalhau job list.

bacalhau job list --id-filter ${JOB_ID} --no-style

When it says Published or Completed, that means the job is done, and we can get the results.

Job information: You can find out more information about your job by using bacalhau job describe.

bacalhau job describe ${JOB_ID}

Job download: You can download your job results directly by using bacalhau job get. Alternatively, you can choose to create a directory to store your results. In the command below, we created a directory (results) and downloaded our job output to be stored in that directory.

mkdir -p ./results # Temporary directory to store the results
bacalhau job get ${JOB_ID} --output-dir ./results # Download the results

Viewing your Job Output​

To view the results open the results/outputs/ folder.


If you have questions or need support or guidance, please reach out to the Bacalhau team via Slack (#general channel).

Last updated