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Nodes API Documentation

Nodes API provides a way to query information about the nodes in the cluster.

Describe Node

Endpoint: GET /api/v1/orchestrator/nodes/:nodeID

Retrieve information about a specific node.


  • :nodeID: Identifier of the node to describe. (e.g. QmUDAXvv31WPZ8U9CzuRTMn9iFGiopGE7rHiah1X8a6PkT)


  • Node: Detailed information about the requested node.


"Node": {
"PeerInfo": {
"ID": "QmUDAXvv31WPZ8U9CzuRTMn9iFGiopGE7rHiah1X8a6PkT",
"Addrs": [
"NodeType": "Compute",
"Labels": {
"Architecture": "amd64",
"Operating-System": "linux",
"git-lfs": "True",
"owner": "bacalhau"
"ComputeNodeInfo": {
"ExecutionEngines": [
"Publishers": [
"StorageSources": [
"MaxCapacity": {
"CPU": 3.2,
"Memory": 12561049190,
"Disk": 582010404864,
"GPU": 1
"AvailableCapacity": {
"CPU": 3.2,
"Memory": 12561049190,
"Disk": 582010404864,
"GPU": 1
"MaxJobRequirements": {
"CPU": 3.2,
"Memory": 12561049190,
"Disk": 582010404864,
"GPU": 1
"RunningExecutions": 0,
"EnqueuedExecutions": 0
"BacalhauVersion": {
"Major": "1",
"Minor": "1",
"GitVersion": "v1.1.0",
"GitCommit": "970e1a0f23c7eb739a097aa8212f7964434bcd97",
"BuildDate": "2023-09-25T07:59:00Z",
"GOOS": "linux",
"GOARCH": "amd64"

List Nodes

Endpoint: GET /api/v1/orchestrator/nodes

Retrieve a list of nodes.


  • labels: Use label-based criteria to filter nodes. See Label Filtering for usage details.
  • limit: Set the maximum number of jobs to return. Default is set to 10.
  • next_token: Utilize this parameter for pagination continuation.
  • order_by: Determine the ordering of jobs. Choose between id, type, available_cpu, available_memory, available_disk or available_gpu. (default is id).
  • reverse: Opt to reverse the default order of displayed jobs.


  • Nodes: List of matching nodes.
  • NextToken (string): Pagination token.


Find two linux nodes with most available Memory

curl --get  "" --data-urlencode 'labels=Operating-System=linux'
"NextToken": "",
"Nodes": [
"PeerInfo": {
"ID": "QmcC3xifiiCuGGQ9rpvefUoary9tY65x2HaNxSdeMTvM9U",
"Addrs": [
"NodeType": "Compute",
"Labels": {
"Architecture": "amd64",
"Operating-System": "linux",
"env": "prod",
"git-lfs": "False",
"name": "saturnia_len20"
"ComputeNodeInfo": {
"ExecutionEngines": [
"Publishers": [
"StorageSources": [
"MaxCapacity": {
"CPU": 102,
"Memory": 858993459200,
"Disk": 562967789568,
"GPU": 2
"AvailableCapacity": {
"CPU": 102,
"Memory": 858993459200,
"Disk": 562967789568,
"GPU": 2
"MaxJobRequirements": {
"CPU": 96,
"Memory": 858993459200,
"Disk": 562967789568,
"GPU": 2
"RunningExecutions": 0,
"EnqueuedExecutions": 0
"BacalhauVersion": {
"Major": "1",
"Minor": "1",
"GitVersion": "v1.1.0",
"GitCommit": "970e1a0f23c7eb739a097aa8212f7964434bcd97",
"BuildDate": "2023-09-25T07:59:00Z",
"GOOS": "linux",
"GOARCH": "amd64"
"PeerInfo": {
"ID": "QmXaXu9N5GNetatsvwnTfQqNtSeKAD6uCmarbh3LMRYAcF",
"Addrs": [
"NodeType": "Compute",
"Labels": {
"Architecture": "amd64",
"Operating-System": "linux",
"git-lfs": "True",
"owner": "bacalhau"
"ComputeNodeInfo": {
"ExecutionEngines": [
"Publishers": [
"StorageSources": [
"MaxCapacity": {
"CPU": 12.8,
"Memory": 53931124326,
"Disk": 718749414195,
"GPU": 0
"AvailableCapacity": {
"CPU": 12.8,
"Memory": 53931124326,
"Disk": 718749414195,
"GPU": 0
"MaxJobRequirements": {
"CPU": 12.8,
"Memory": 53931124326,
"Disk": 718749414195,
"GPU": 0
"RunningExecutions": 0,
"EnqueuedExecutions": 0
"BacalhauVersion": {
"Major": "1",
"Minor": "1",
"GitVersion": "v1.1.0",
"GitCommit": "970e1a0f23c7eb739a097aa8212f7964434bcd97",
"BuildDate": "2023-09-25T07:59:00Z",
"GOOS": "linux",
"GOARCH": "amd64"