Bacalhau FAQs

How do I accept (and run) networked jobs?

By default, for security purposes, Bacalhau jobs run with networking turned off. In order for your compute node to accept (and run) networked jobs, you need to enable it on a per compute node basis. To do so, you need to set the following:

bacalhau config set JobAdmissionControl.AcceptNetworkedJobs=true

You will then be able to run jobs with the following criteria:

bacalhau docker run networked-job-container --network Full

How do I restrict what nodes my jobs run on?

First, you need to describe each node with a labels in a key=value format. Later labels can be used by the job as conditions for choosing the node on which to run on. For example:

bacalhau config set Labels=NodeType=WebServer

If you want to assign multiple targets, you can do so with key=value,key=value.

bacalhau config set Labels=foo=bar,baz=qaz

How do I specify the orchestrator for my compute node?

The Compute.Orchestratorfield in the config tells the Bacalhau compute node.

bacalhau config set

You can add the protocol and port, and it will apply this inline. E.g.

bacalhau config set Compute.Orchestrators=nats://


bacalhau config set Compute.Orchestrators=nats://

How do I enable the WebUI?

By default, the WebUI for Bacalhau is disabled for security reasons. To enable the WebUI, run the Bacalhau requester node with the following configuration:

bacalhau config set WebUI.Enabled=true

Can I use multiple data sources in the same job?

You can use the --input or -i flag multiple times with multiple different CIDs, URLs or S3 objects, and give each of them a path to be mounted at.

For example, doing bacalhau run cat/main.wasm -i ipfs://CID1:/input1 -i ipfs://CID2:/input2 will result in both the input1 and input2 folders being available to your running WASM with the CID contents. You can use -i as many times as you need.

Can I run Bacalhau in a containerized setup (nested containers)?

Yes! We offer a Bacalhu Docker-in-Docker container. You can set something like this up by running the following container:

docker run -v ./orchestrator-config.yaml:/etc/bacalhau/config.yaml \
           -v node-info:/etc/node-info \

These two files are for configuring the Bacalhau node. The first is the orchestrator configuration, and will look something like this:

NameProvider: "uuid"
  Enabled: true
    - nats://
    RequireTLS: true
      CPU: 1
      Memory: 1GB
  AcceptNetworkedJobs: true

And the second is just a list of arbitrary key-value pairs for labeling the node. For example:


Can I run non Docker jobs?

Yes! You can run programs using WebAssembly instead. See the onboarding WebAssembly for information on how to do that.

How do I run a script that requires installing packages from a package repository like pypi or apt?

We recommend building all requirements into your container or WASM before running it. However, if you need to download and install after starting the run, make sure you have the following configuration setting set:

bacalhau serve --compute \
               -c Job.AdmissionControl.AcceptNetworkedJobs=true

How do I see a job’s progress while it’s running?

Type the following:

bacalhau job describe b4491a4a-7b55-4fa7-a5af-80f3c99bc379

If your job writes to stdout, or stderr, while it is running, you can also view the output with the logs command.

How can I download and query SQLite when it complains about being in read-only directory?

When downloading content to run your code against, it is written to a read-only directory. Unfortunately, by default, SQLite requires the directory to be writable so that it can create utility files during its use.

If you run your command with the immutable setting set to 1, then it will work. From the sqlite3 command you can use .open 'file:/inputs/database.db?immutable=1' where you should replace "database.db" with your downloaded database filename.

Can I stop a running job?

Yes. Given a valid job ID, you can use the cancel command to cancel the job, and stop it from running.

Last updated

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