Running Locally In Devstack

How to run a Bacalhau devstack locally

You can run a stand-alone Bacalhau network on your computer with the following guide.

The devstack command of bacalhau will start a 4 node cluster with 3 compute and 1 requester nodes.

This is useful to kick the tires and/or developing on the codebase. It's also the tool used by some tests.


  1. x86_64 or ARM64 architecture

    1. Ubuntu 20.0+ has most often been used for development and testing

Install Bacalhau

You can install the Bacalhau CLI by running this command in a terminal:

curl -sL | bash

See the installation guide for more installation options.

Start the cluster

bacalhau devstack

This will start a 4 node Bacalhau cluster.

You can use your own IPFS node and connect it to the devstack by setting the IPFS endpoints via configuration keys: InputSources.Types.IPFS.Endpoint and Publishers.Types.IPFS.Endpoint

bacalhau devstack \
--config InputSources.Types.IPFS.Endpoint=/ip4/ \
--config Publishers.Types.IPFS.Endpoint=/ip4/

Once everything has started up - you will see output like the following:

Devstack is ready!
No. of requester only nodes: 1
No. of compute only nodes: 3
No. of hybrid nodes: 0
To use the devstack, run the following commands in your shell:

export BACALHAU_API_PORT=34217

The message above contains the environment variables you need for a new terminal window. You can paste these into a new terminal so that bacalhau will use your local devstack. Execute the bacalhau node list command to see the devstack cluster structure:

bacalhau node list
 ID      TYPE       APPROVAL  STATUS     LABELS                                              CPU     MEMORY      DISK         GPU  
 node-0  Requester  APPROVED  CONNECTED  Architecture=amd64 Operating-System=linux                                                 
                                         env=devstack id=node-0 name=node-0                                                        
 node-1  Compute    APPROVED  CONNECTED  Architecture=amd64 Operating-System=linux           1.4 /   2.7 GB /    13.1 GB /    0 /  
                                         env=devstack id=node-1 name=node-1                  1.4     2.7 GB      13.1 GB      0    
 node-2  Compute    APPROVED  CONNECTED  Architecture=amd64 Operating-System=linux           1.4 /   2.7 GB /    13.1 GB /    0 /  
                                         env=devstack id=node-2 name=node-2                  1.4     2.7 GB      13.1 GB      0    
 node-3  Compute    APPROVED  CONNECTED  Architecture=amd64 Operating-System=linux           1.4 /   2.7 GB /    13.1 GB /    0 /  
                                         env=devstack id=node-3 name=node-3                  1.4     2.7 GB      13.1 GB      0    

New Terminal Window

Open an additional terminal window to be used for submitting jobs. Copy and paste environment variables from previous message into this window, e.g.:

export BACALHAU_API_PORT=34217

You are now ready to submit a job to your local devstack.

Submit a simple job

This will submit a simple job to a single node:

bacalhau docker run \
--publisher local \
alpine echo "hello devstack test"

This should output something like the following:

Job successfully submitted. Job ID: j-5b0ee6dd-6080-4277-99ce-fdf179907b25
Checking job status... (Enter Ctrl+C to exit at any time, your job will continue running):

 TIME          EXEC. ID    TOPIC            EVENT         
 11:06:24.789              Submission       Job submitted 
 11:06:24.798  e-4fba1f7c  Scheduling       Requested execution on node-1 
 11:06:24.828  e-4fba1f7c  Execution        Running 
 11:06:25.173  e-4fba1f7c  Execution        Completed successfully 
To get more details about the run, execute:
	bacalhau job describe j-5b0ee6dd-6080-4277-99ce-fdf179907b25

To get more details about the run executions, execute:
	bacalhau job executions j-5b0ee6dd-6080-4277-99ce-fdf179907b25
To download the results, execute:
	bacalhau job get j-5b0ee6dd-6080-4277-99ce-fdf179907b25

Use bacalhau job describe command to view results:

bacalhau job describe j-5b0ee6dd-6080-4277-99ce-fdf179907b25

This should output info about job execution and results:

ID            = j-5b0ee6dd-6080-4277-99ce-fdf179907b25
Name          = j-5b0ee6dd-6080-4277-99ce-fdf179907b25
Namespace     = default
Type          = batch
State         = Completed
Count         = 1
Created Time  = 2024-10-30 10:06:24
Modified Time = 2024-10-30 10:06:25
Version       = 0

Completed = 1

Job History
 TIME                 TOPIC         EVENT         
 2024-10-30 11:06:24  Submission    Job submitted 
 2024-10-30 11:06:24  State Update  Running       
 2024-10-30 11:06:25  State Update  Completed     

 e-4fba1f7c  node-1   Completed  Stopped  6     6m11s ago  6m11s ago          

Execution e-4fba1f7c History
 TIME                 TOPIC       EVENT                         
 2024-10-30 11:06:24  Scheduling  Requested execution on node-1 
 2024-10-30 11:06:24  Execution   Running                       
 2024-10-30 11:06:25  Execution   Completed successfully        

Standard Output
hello devstack test

Use bacalhau job get command to download job results:

bacalhau job get j-5b0ee6dd-6080-4277-99ce-fdf179907b25

Results will be downloaded to the current directory. Job results should have the following structure:

├── exitCode
├── stderr
└── stdout

If you execute cat stdout it should read hello devstack test. If you write any files in your job, they will appear in volumes/output.


If you have questions or need support or guidance, please reach out to the Bacalhau team via Slack (#general channel).

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